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Extra space being added to text


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I have a weird problem. I am using a rule to copyfitLine a field with a certain font and size. The box is set to adjust text to fit. This has been working without a problem for 3 years and now if there is a capital AB together is adds a space in between to make it A B. It doesn't add the space on the desktop but on the Marcom storefront it does. If I only have an A or B or C by itself no spaces are added. If you enter AC it doesn't add the space. The rule I'm using is below as well as the text I'm trying to add. Also attached are screenshots of the entered text and the results. (sorry for the proof watermark)




return CopyfitLine("", (Field("DCSZ")), "Akzidenz Grotesk BE Md", 8.75, 162, 4, false);


Treat returned strings as tagged text is checked


Fort McMurray, A B T9H 1S1

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This may be a font-related issue. Can you try a different font? If you need to use that exact font, then you'll have to work with Support or your BRM so that we can examine the job and the font. Please do not post proprietary fonts on this public forum.


Also, if you download the PDF, you can change the extension of the file in the URL in the web browser from .pdf to .msg to view the composition log and see if there are any relevant messages.

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