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Examples of the customization of the end-user interface


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I work at a small ad-agency/printer in Denmark and have been using Marcom for 3 years now and are very pleased with the solution.


Now my sales reps are asking for a more modern look for what the end-user are seeing.

And I now it is possible to customize the end-user experience a lot. Have done some.


I would like ask if anybody would mind sharing some screenshots of some interesting end-user customizations.


Here are some of my examples.


Our own demo:

1: http://cl.ly/1O0H2A0N051O

2: http://cl.ly/3Z3U363j1i3r


And some of our customers:

1: http://cl.ly/250I1l2E391O

2: http://cl.ly/3a2C3H3i3L1U

3: http://cl.ly/0k1i390y2N07

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