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New Install Fonts not loading


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Mac OS 10.10 FP ver 9.3.22 Acrobat DC

Installed this last night and opened an old job that we do on a regular basis.

Get a warning that not all font are available. Drop missing fonts into the \Library\fonts folder. Run the load all fonts in FP. Now some of the fonts have loaded but not USPS IMB Compact., which I need. Try several attempts with load all still nothing.

Go to my old installation and copy the fonts I need from the Libray\Preferences\PTI folder and put them into the same location on my new installation still nothing.

I also notices in the FP fonts folder are all the ID Automation font. I try seeing if they are available for generating a 30f9 barcode. None of those fonts shows up.

Help! What do I need to try. I have been using FP for many years and never had a font issue this bad.

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Possibly corrupt fonts on your system which prevents the fonts from loading to the program. Try the following to clean your font cache on your Apple Macintosh system.

Close all applications.

Go to Applications:Utilities, open up Terminal program.

From Terminal window, run the command in the following sequence:

atsutil databases -removeUser

or if you have the permission to run sudo command, try:

sudo atsutil databases -remove

Then run the following two commands:

atsutil server -shutdown

atsutil server -ping

restart your computer.

Reload fonts from FusionPro again.

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Thanks for the quick response however your suggetion did not help my issue.

I downloaded a fresh copy of the IMB barcode, reloaded fonts still nothing.

Just for grins I opened Font Book to see if the fonts were showing in there.

Well it seems the fonts were listed and the IMB and all the ID automation fonts were set to off. Turned them on and the went to FP load all fonts.

Launch acrobat open my file, no font message did a preview and the barcode shows correctly. Made a rule fore a 30f9 barcode and the font is listed and works.

I am happy again.

Thank You

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