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New to Javascript - External Data question


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Try to go easy on me, I'm really new to javascript and need help with linking some external data to FusionPro. I have a tiny bit of experience with FusionPro, virtually zero with rules and tables and external data. I keep getting an error while trying to link the external csv file and I'm wondering what code needs to be typed in to fix it. :confused: I've attached a screenshot of what I'm trying to do.


Thanks for your time.


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In your rule editor, if you have "building blocks" turned on, you can get the syntax for functions and objects by double-clicking on them:

Objects > External Data > ExternalDataFileEx:

new ExternalDataFileEx(Filename, Delimiter)


So in your case:

DepData = new ExternalDataFileEx('X:\\Data Source\\2015\\32703 Brinkers Open Enrollment\\Test Data\\BI_Dep_Detail_08282015_TEST.csv', ','); // Assuming comma-delimited. '\t' for tab-delimited

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Thanks so much for the quick reply! After typing that in with the correct delimiter, I receive a different error stating "ExternalDataEx requires more than 0 arguments", like I said I'm new to javascript and the little bit that I have googled and researched about "arguments" has really just confused me more than educate me. Any fix for this? Thanks again.
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Thanks so much for the quick reply! After typing that in with the correct delimiter, I receive a different error stating "ExternalDataEx requires more than 0 arguments", like I said I'm new to javascript and the little bit that I have googled and researched about "arguments" has really just confused me more than educate me. Any fix for this? Thanks again.

Please copy and paste the current syntax of your rule here.

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