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Versioned product form entries to populate shipping address


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Hi Everyone,


I have a customer that wants to use form entries on a versioned product to also populate the shipping address during checkout.


My first thought was to instruct users to create a new address book entry first and then use the location info to populate the relevant fields on the versioned product form. This would work except the Company Name and Attention fields are not available for mapping prefills.:confused:


Can anyone think of another way to make this work?

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There is no way to assign either the input or selected address used to version the Product as the Ship To address. You are correct that a "My Address" created by the user or a "Corporate Address" are the only options to be able to populate both the template and the Ship To address. However, it will not be defined automatically upon using it for the versioned item, they would still need to select that address during checkout.

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