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Are Inline Graphics like Rules Possible?


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Yes, FusionPro supports inline graphics. You can find out more by searching for "Graphic Tag Inside Story Tag" in the FusionPro Tags Reference Guide, or by searching for "inline graphics" on this forum. There's also an example in the Signature rule in the Cellphone Tutorial job installed with FusionPro.
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So from what I'm reading I should be able to do something like html like this?


generic title text




body text

Well, you can do something sort of like that bit of HTML markup, in that you can use markup which FusionPro can interpret. But FusionPro markup and HTML markup, while having some similar tags, are two completely different animals.


Again, please refer to the FusionPro Tags Reference for details on FusionPro tagged markup. Or take a look at the Cell Phone tutorial for an example.


Anyway, the markup for doing that in FusionPro would look more like this:

generic title text
<p quad=C>
<graphic file="line.pdf">
<p quad=L>
body text

In order to apply that markup in your FusionPro job, the easiest way is to return it from a JavaScript rule, like so:

return 'generic title text<p quad=C><graphic file="line.pdf"><p quad=L>body text';

Or even simpler, in the Variable Text Editor dialog, just set the "generic title text" and the "body text", and in between, insert a variable to call out a rule with that variable's name that does this:

return '<graphic file="line.pdf">';

Which, other than the file name being different, is pretty much exactly what the Cell Phone tutorial job does, which is why I keep saying to look at that as an example.

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