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Catalogue Editor - Costom copy content


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I would like to put a link on a folder within the catalogue editor.


What code do I need to put in the folder's custom copy field in order to achieve the following:


if you click on the folder icon you leave the PTI website and are lead to the actual link.


At the present if you click on the folder icon you end up within the folder and see the link which you can then click.


Can anyone advise?



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Yes this can be done. However, I'm only aware of this functionality associated to a custom copy for a folder on the Navigation Bar in the Catalog. See the image below:



Here is the code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL='http://www.google.com/'" />


Hope this helps

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Hi Christine.


This can be achieved by putting an anchor tag as the Folder Name within the catalog editor, such as <a href="https://www.google.com">Google</a>


Note: If you have this folder in a navbar, it places what looks like padding to the left of the folder name. If this bothers you, you'll have to target it and fix it with CSS. Hope this helps!

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Hi Richard and Ryan,


Thanks very much for your responses.

I tried both tags, but none of them is working. When I click on the folder I always end up in the (empty) folder. Any other ideas?


Thanks again!

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Are you editing the Folder Name that you want to be a link?





You may want to add a


to the anchor tag too. This will open a new tab.


If you've done this and it's still not working, I'm not sure what to suggest. I've used this method several times and have re-tested right before submitting this post. It's working for me...

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I've discovered some unexpected behavior. When hovering over the Catalog link, you can see the folder name, as well as the html tags and classes associated with the link. Not only that, you are unable to click on the link from the dropdown.

I don't remember this happening to me in the past. I'm looking into trying to find a way around it.

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