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"or" statement with different conditions


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This is probably way easier than I am making it... My end goal is to have a rule where if the location chosen is on of three places it returns nothing, otherwise it returns a rule.


Here is what I started with, and it worked:

if (Field("Location") == ("NC"))
return "";
return Rule("Aufofill Rule");


What we need is for NC, IL or CA to return nothing. All other choices return a rule with formatted addresses based on their choice (Autofill Rule).


I thought || was equal to "or", so I tried this rule:

if (Field("Location") == ("NC") || if (Field("Location") == ("IL") || if (Field("Location") == ("CA"))
return "";
return Rule("Aufofill Rule");


Am I on the right track? Thanks for any input on how to make this work.



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