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Graphic Rules for Digital Storefront


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I am having an issue in creating rules that involve multiple graphic frames.

I am creating multiple graphic frames to populate a logo that will be uploaded within Digital Storefront, so no Resources in FusionPro. The other graphic frame (I called "Front Image") will consist of a drop list of images to choose from. All images for this frame have been uploaded as Resources. The Image that is chosen in the drop list will determine which Logo graphic frame will be used to show the logo. The logo graphic frames are set at different angles, which is why the Image chosen needs to determine a specific frame for the logo.


Here are the three rules I have attempted so far without any success:



Pic = CreateResource(Field("Logo"), "graphic", true);

if (Field("Front Image")=="pcon_take_control_brochure_037.jpg" && (Pic.exists))

return Pic;


return NullResource();



if (Field("Front Image")=="pcon_take_control_brochure_037.jpg")



Pic = CreateResource(Field("Logo"), "graphic", true);

if (Pic.exists)

return Pic;


return NullResource();



if (Field("Front Image") == "pcon_take_control_brochure_037.jpg")


return Field("Logo")


return NullResource(“")



Any help or suggestions with this would be wonderful. I’ve been messing with this for a while now.


Thank you!

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When you say it's not working, how is it not working? What is the result of your three blocks of code above? I would think that something like your first or second attempt would work fine:

var Pic = NullResource();

if (Field("Front Image") == "pcon_take_control_brochure_037.jpg"){
Pic = CreateResource(Field("Logo"), "graphic", true);

return Pic;


Some dumb questions:

1. Are you creating this as a graphic rule or a text rule? It should be a graphic rule, otherwise you need to return the image with graphic tags.

2. Does the string in the conditional ("pcon_take_control_brochure_037.jpg") match exactly what's in the "Front Image" field? If the field doesn't contain the extension or includes a full path, you need to alter the conditional in order to get it to validate 'true'.

3. Did you actually add the graphics as resources? If you did you don't need the "CreateResource" function. You can just call the resource by name (assuming your resources are named exactly the same as the contents of the "Logo" field):



Anyway that's about all that comes to mind at the moment since I don't have a whole lot of information to go off of.

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All 3 rules I posted never returned a logo after I had uploaded one. The image I selected in the drop list worked fine, but no logo appeared.


All my rules are created as graphics rules. All images are resources (except the logo being uploaded within Digital Storefront). The images show just fine, it's the logo that isn't showing at all.


Thanks for the quick response!

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's not how I'm trying to make this template work. The logo will be uploaded within DSF, so it cannot be a Resource within FusionPro. Also, with the multiple graphic frames that I have (most of them are rotated at different angles) the Critical Parser Failure appears once again.
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That's not how I'm trying to make this template work. The logo will be uploaded within DSF, so it cannot be a Resource within FusionPro.

That's not really true. You can indeed have a graphic as resource in your job, and still have it uploaded into the DSF. As long as a graphic with the same file name appears in a location in the search path, it will be found.


The question is, how does the DSF present the graphic to the template at composition time? In MarcomCentral, the UNC paths to any graphics uploaded to image libraries in your store are added to the SearchPath entry in the CFG file. I assume that DSF does something similar, but I don't really know. Only someone from EFI can answer that.

Also, with the multiple graphic frames that I have (most of them are rotated at different angles) the Critical Parser Failure appears once again.

There's nothing I can do to help with that until, at the very least, you specify the version of FusionPro you're running.

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Thanks Dan. I will contact EFI about my template issue.

Okay. They should be able to help.

I am currently running FusionPro 9.3.6, Acrobat XI and Enfocus PitStop Pro 12 update 3

As noted here:


The issue with rotated frames and PitStop is fixed in the 9.3.12 build. Although you probably want to ask Support for the 9.3.15 build, which has some font fixes as well.

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