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Cannot uncheck Down Sample box

Bill McCarthy

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When I go to compose my job I do not want to down sample the graphics to 72 dpi. The checkbox in the Graphics tab of the Composition settings is checked.


When I uncheck the box and save, it automatically goes back to being checked. I cannot get it to remain unchecked for the composition.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?

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Thanks for the information. We have confirmed that this is a Mac-specific bug in FusionPro VDP 9.1 and later releases. This will be fixed in the upcoming FusionPro VDP 9.3 release.


I'm not sure what a good workaround would be. But the default for new documents is to not downsample. So I think what you can do is create a new PDF template, then insert all of the pages from your existing template, and then import the data source (.def file) from the original template.

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