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I've never done this before in FusionPro8

Typically I create Vcard's via online sources - I do not see the option to create Vcards in FP8.


I see the helper rule for QR Contact Information - MeCard

Problem is that not all the fields I need are included.

And some of the information I need is static (not entered by a variable)


I need the variables Name, Cell, Phone and Email

I need the static information for website and address and fax


I pasted the helper rule from FP8 and inserted some comments.


var NameFieldOrRule = "Name";

var PhoneFieldOrRule = "direct";

var EmailFieldOrRule = "email";

var WebsiteFieldOrRule = ""; //HELP! I need to input static information here for website. website.com

var AddressFieldOrRule = "";//HELP! I need to input static information here.for address

var BirthdayFieldOrRule = ""; // dont want

var NoteFieldOrRule = "";// dont want

//HELP how do I include a cell phone number?

//HELP how do I include a fax number?

var PointSize = "";


// MECARD format

// http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/service/imode/make/content/barcode/function/application/addressbook

// Also see: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/wiki/BarcodeContents


var info = {

N: FieldOrRule(NameFieldOrRule),

TEL: OptionalFieldOrRule(PhoneFieldOrRule).replace(/\D/g,''),

EMAIL: OptionalFieldOrRule(EmailFieldOrRule),

URL: OptionalFieldOrRule(WebsiteFieldOrRule),

ADR: OptionalFieldOrRule(AddressFieldOrRule),

BDAY: OptionalFieldOrRule(BirthdayFieldOrRule),

NOTE: OptionalFieldOrRule(NoteFieldOrRule),



var result = "";

for (var label in info)


if (!info[label])



result += label;

if (!label.match(/\:$/))

result += ":";


result += info[label];


result += FusionPro.inValidation ? '\r' : ';';



if (FusionPro.inValidation)

return result;


var QR = new QRBarcode;

QR.pointSize = Int(PointSize) || 10;

return QR.Make("MECARD:" + result + ";");


Thank you Dan.

I think I prefer the Vcard and have modified the code to this point.

And will continue working from there.

I will repost if I have further questions.

Thanks again.



var NameRuleOrField = "Name";

var CompanyRuleOrField = "";

var PhoneRuleOrField = "direct";

var CellRuleOrField = "cell";

var EmailRuleOrField = Rule("RULE_emailsuffix");

var WebsiteRuleOrField = "";

var AddressRuleOrField = "";



// vCard format

// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard

// Note that support for vCard may be more limited than for MECARD,

// and that vCard requires more data to be encoded, resulting in a denser barcode.


var info = {

N: RuleOrField(NameRuleOrField),

"ORG;COMPANY": "Company Name",

"TEL;WORK;VOICE": OptionalRuleOrField(PhoneRuleOrField).replace(/\D/g,''),

"TEL;CELL;MOBILE": OptionalRuleOrField(CellRuleOrField).replace(/\D/g,''),

EMAIL: EmailRuleOrField,

"URL;WEB": "http://companywebsite.com",

ADR: "2801 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids MI 49505",




var result = ["BEGIN:VCARD", "VERSION:2.1"];

for (var label in info)


if (info[label])

result.push(label + ":" + info[label]);




return MakeQRBarcodeGraphic(result.join(Chr(13) + Chr(10)));

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