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Jump to specific record in preview


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I'm using v7.1P1c in Acrobat Pro 9.5.4 on a Mac with OS X 10.5.8


I have a data file that's about 8,000 records long, and I want to jump to the middle to preview some records. Is there a quick way to get there without pressing the forward button 4,000 times?


I've tried typing in 4,000 in where it displays the record number on the Preview Record Selector, but that's a no-go.

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I've tried typing in 4,000 in where it displays the record number on the Preview Record Selector, but that's a no-go.

That works, as far as I know. You should be able to type a number and then hit Return/Enter to go to that record. (You probably need to just type digits, leaving out commas.)


However, you've probably noticed that it's a bit slow to open up the Preview Record Selector dialog with an 8000-record data file. I recommend using a smaller file for Preview when you're designing the document. You can select the full data file when you go to Compose.

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