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Rich Text Editor


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Unfortunately, due to restrictions of RTE, it is not possible to show the actual font selected or to change the size in the RTE window, so you would still need to refresh your proof to see the reflected font and size on the proof.


To accommodate this enhancement we would need to completely change out the RTE and that is not currently on the road map.



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Unfortunately, due to restrictions of RTE, it is not possible to show the actual font selected or to change the size in the RTE window, so you would still need to refresh your proof to see the reflected font and size on the proof.


To accommodate this enhancement we would need to completely change out the RTE and that is not currently on the road map.




That is unfortunate, but makes sense as far as what could be displayed in the RTE.


But what about color? Is there a way to tie in the colors attached to the template, and be able to select from those in the RTE?


This would solve many issues about the clunkiness of having to select a color for an entire field, and allow the user to select sections of text within the RTE to emphasize with color, not just bold, italic, or underlined.


I know we could write some JavaScript to make any bolded, italicized, or underlined text a color as well, but that doesn't work if the user doesn't want all of their bolded, italicized, or underlined text to be the same color.


What are your thoughts about this?

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