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Access to Assets.dat fonts


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Does anyone know if there is a way to access and use the fonts in an assets.dat file? I have a font that is working correctly on the Marcom storefront but not on my desktop. I want to download the zip file from the template and make a minor type correction to the base art and re-upload.
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Does anyone know if there is a way to access and use the fonts in an assets.dat file? I have a font that is working correctly on the Marcom storefront but not on my desktop. I want to download the zip file from the template and make a minor type correction to the base art and re-upload.

No, we very purposefully do not make the fonts collected with a template available for use outside of the FusionPro composition, to comply with copyrights and distribution licenses.


Also, when you say "the base art," do you mean the static background for the template? Accessing assets.dat wouldn't help with that anyway. You can always just upload a new static background PDF file (the template PDF) without affecting the rest of the job template.

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Ok thanks Dan I'll keep looking.


Sorry to be confusing on the base art. I should have said a static text change on common text in a fusion text box that uses a couple of variables along with this common text. As soon as I open the text box, I get the missing font error. I tried making the change and saving the pdf and re-uploading but it errored out. The template was created in 7.2 so I have to recollect because of the version. The font I have has a different baseline and is causing reflow.

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Ok thanks Dan I'll keep looking.


Sorry to be confusing on the base art. I should have said a static text change on common text in a fusion text box that uses a couple of variables along with this common text. As soon as I open the text box, I get the missing font error. I tried making the change and saving the pdf and re-uploading but it errored out. The template was created in 7.2 so I have to recollect because of the version. The font I have has a different baseline and is causing reflow.

You could always just modify the frame in question in the DIF file and re-upload that.

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