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External Data file

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I'm having an issue.

take a look at my txt file


I'm trying to make a Credentials in the drop down view - Output of Credentials type data file.

Weird thing is i'm able to output 17 of the 19 Credentials minus the top two.

there are tabs between the drop down view and output of credential

Im just really confused why the top two will not load into my template.


I've attached is the data file

and here is the java script i used in fusion pro


any help of direction would be really appreciated









1. we want to get the information from the xdf

2. count the qualifications filled

3. return the proper verbage



XDF = new ExternalDataFileEx("FR_qualifications_XDF.txt", "\t");



var credArray1 = [];

var credArray2 = [];

var qualCounter = 0;

var degreeCounter = 0;

var intro = ", et je posséde le titre de ";

var intro2 = ", et je posséde les titres de ";


for (j = 1; j<4; j++){

myQual = "Qualifications"+j;

for (i = 0; i < XDF.recordCount+1; i++){

qualification = XDF.GetFieldValue(i, 0);

if (Field(myQual) == qualification && Field(myQual) != ""){

credArray1[qualCounter] = XDF.GetFieldValue(i, 1);

credArray2[qualCounter] = XDF.GetFieldValue(i, 2);

if (credArray2[qualCounter] == "degree"){








if (qualCounter == 1){

return intro + credArray1[0]+" "+credArray2[0]+".";

} else if (qualCounter == 2){

if (credArray2[0] == credArray2[1] && credArray2[0] != "degree") // both credential endings are the same and are not "degree"

return intro2 + credArray1[0]+","+credArray1[1]+" "+credArray2[0]+"s.";

else if (credArray2[0] == credArray2[1] && credArray2[0] == "degree") // both credential endings are the same and are "degree"

return intro2 + credArray1[0]+" "+credArray2[0]+", "+credArray1[1]+" "+credArray2[1]+".";

else // both credentials are not the same

return intro2 + credArray1[0]+" "+credArray2[0]+", "+credArray1[1]+" "+credArray2[1]+".";

} else if (qualCounter == 3){

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Thanks, but I'm not sure I can analyze that complicated rule without the rest of the job.


At any rate, if I change the rule to this:

var XDF = new ExternalDataFileEx("FR_qualifications_XDF.txt", "\t");
var credArray1 = [];
var qualCounter = 0;

for (i = 0; i < XDF.recordCount+1; i++)
   credArray1[qualCounter] = XDF.GetFieldValue(i, 1);

return credArray1.join("\n");

It does return every line of the file.


So, if you're not getting the results you're expecting, there's something else wrong in your logic. Again, though, I can't figure that out without the rest of the job. And frankly, even with the entire job, this is a bit more of a complex template-building job than I can usually work on there in the context of this forum. You may need to inquire about custom consulting work.

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