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Data Source not maintaing link

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Hello all,


I recently upgraded to FusionPro 8.2.7 and so far everything works fine.

Exempt when I get new data every day then proceed to trash it out to replace new one in its place the next day.


Naturally FusionPro dialog says " Failed to open" do I want to relocate file now. And that's where my problem is. It does not go the original location so that is where I have to re-establish the link to the data source and I have to do that every time.


I made sure I hit save at the Composition Settings before I compose. It worked before the upgrade. And the data is not that far removed.

I did notice that the Printable folder in the Applications folder is now named PTI. Is my user name not being identified?



Screen shot 2013-03-05 at 10.56.02 AM.pdf

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No it is not open in excel. I never open it. What is the check box for "Ignore Repeat Record during Composition" under input for?

It overrides any setting you have to repeat records during output. I use it for when I want to output a proof file and only need 1 copy of each record.

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