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Best Fit Inline Graphics?


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Is there a way to best fit inline graphics in the text box? We want to have a company logo, personal logo and optional QR Code as inline graphics but the logos are all different sizes (square, horizontal rectangle, tall rectangle). If one isn't in the layout, the logos would move up. However, I can't find a way to best fit the logos in the text frame. using only a height or width constraint isn't working.
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Is there a way to best fit inline graphics in the text box? We want to have a company logo, personal logo and optional QR Code as inline graphics but the logos are all different sizes (square, horizontal rectangle, tall rectangle). If one isn't in the layout, the logos would move up. However, I can't find a way to best fit the logos in the text frame. using only a height or width constraint isn't working.

No, inline graphics can't be scaled that way. I'm not sure what "Best Fit" even means in a frame containing multiple graphics. What algorithm are you expecting to use to allocate the space between them?


My question is, why not just put the logo into a graphic frame instead? You could use a graphic frame inside a repeatable component (Template Page), scale the logo into that, and then call out the repeatable component in the text frame. Or, you could have a series of graphic frames and some logic to populate them based on the number of logos. Or, if you really do need to keep it as an inline graphic, you should be able to calculate the width or height necessary to emulate something like Best Fit yourself. Anyway, I'd have to see the job to be able to offer a more specific suggestion.

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Well, we have 24 different combinations of tear out cards with the option of having a company logo, personal logo, and a optional QR code. This all needs to be on one side, justified right on the card, but since FusionPro can't suppress graphic or text frames on Template pages, we have to get creative. The text boxes next to these graphics go up and down and wrap based on the Photo on the left and Logos on the right. I already currently have a work around with the frame suppression. I'm trying anything to make it work but I doubt there is a solution.
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Well, we have 24 different combinations of tear out cards with the option of having a company logo, personal logo, and a optional QR code. This all needs to be on one side, justified right on the card, but since FusionPro can't suppress graphic or text frames on Template pages, we have to get creative. The text boxes next to these graphics go up and down and wrap based on the Photo on the left and Logos on the right. I already currently have a work around with the frame suppression. I'm trying anything to make it work but I doubt there is a solution.

Thanks for attaching the template PDF, but I'm not sure how you expect me to analyze the issue just with that, without any of the graphics or any data. I need at least need a data file with one record of data and the graphics that go with it. And there's a lot going on there; could you at least give me a hint about which frame on which page you're talking about? And an example of what you want the output to look like would be nice too.


I'll add that this kind of complex template is really getting into the area of paid consulting work, rather than something that can be addressed here on the forum.


Anyway, if you're already using Template pages, why can't you just make another Template page with a graphic frame and scale the graphic there?

Edited by Dan Korn
added note about paid consulting
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If I provide all the images, the file size will be 34 GB. We are trying to avoid adding more templates. We don't want to add anymore templates because then we would triple the amount of template pages to 96 because we would need one for every combination for each style of card.
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