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pricing set-up


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How do I set up different pricing that depends on a drop-down selection?

Let's say a drop-down has two values: A and B. If they select A, the pricing is $1, but if they select B, then the pricing changes to $2(lot pricing).

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This requires the use of Intelligent Forms. This is a feature that needs to be activated by your CPM, as there is a Store Re-calc that needs to be done on our end. There is documentation in the Help in MarcomCentral. Here is a link to access that document:


iforms tutorial


There are also a few threads in the forum you might want to review that may help as well.


Hope this helps!

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That's exactly what I needed! We actually do have iForms activated, but I couldn't find any info on the usage(except for the forum threads). Thanks for the link! I will probably be back with more questions once I start playing with the pricing...
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