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Multiple External Data Files


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I am wondering if you could have more then one External Data file in a OnJobStart rule and if so what is the limit. I was able to link to one "test1.txt" using a sample I found in the forums (below), but how would I add two files "test1.txt" and "test2.txt"?



//Link to the external data file.

//The '\t' is used to indicate TAB delimited data in this external data file

externalDF = new ExternalDataFileEx('test1.txt', '\t');


if(externalDF.valid != true)


Print('Failed to link to the external data file in OnJobStart');


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I've never tried this (and even as I'm typing this I still haven't tried my solution to see if it works – so I'm sorry if it doesn't!) That being said, my guess would be that you'd just define a second data file like so:


//Link to the 2nd external data file. 
//The '\t' is used to indicate TAB delimited data in this external data file
SecExternalDF = new ExternalDataFileEx('test2.txt', '\t');

if(SecExternalDF.valid != true)
Print('Failed to link to the second external data file in OnJobStart');

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