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Booklet Imposition Questions


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I have a 28 page PDF that I need to convert to a booklet. I have a variable data text box on the 1st page. There are 2,140 records, 1 record per booklet.


So needless to say when its composed its a HUGE file. Lots of pages.


When I impose this file, or at least try to....the page order gets thrown ALL out of whack. Or at least it looks that way to me.


The original size is 8.5 x 11, and I needed it made into a 11x17 booklet thats gonna get folded in half and stitched. And have it offset each book so we're aren't digging through a huge stack of paper to separate books.


How do I need to set this up? I've gone through all the tutorial vids and its just post card impositions...that doesn't help me much with a booklet.


Also I need to know that once I compose a file and view the PDF from that, do I just save that PDF and print from that file? Or do I need to do something else afterwards.

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Yes I've created an imposition file and set it to saddle stitch, finished size 8.5 x 11, and press sheet as 11x17. It says the pages don't fit the layout, so I have to change it to 17x11 (Ledger) in order for it to put the 2 pages up properly.


The variable data text box is on the first page of each 28 page document. Its imposed 2 single pages up to make 1 side. 2 sides per sheet. It prints the sides of each sheet in reverse....so when the book comes out folded and stitched, the "front" page is actually like the 4th page.


Now about the slip sheets....is that a blank virtual page, or an actual physical sheet that separates the booklets? Because I can't use physical sheets...the books need to be physically offset. Because otherwise I'm printing a 30,000 page document and then have to manually separate each book as they come off the machine. Not efficient at all. And I need the books to come out stitched & folded. So can't stitch & fold a 30,000 page document.

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Now that I said it, my slipsheets are not working properly when I tested it. I have to check into this.


As for the page order. What do you have for your advanced settings in the layout. Mine has stacking set to Face Side Down and Duplexing is flip on long edge.

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I am so confused. I finally get a PDF file imposed and composed correctly, but when I go to print it, there doesn't seem to be a way to separate the document up into booklets.


The final composed file is 29,960 pages. It needs to be 14 pages per booklet (7 duplexed sheets). Each booklet needs to come out of the printer folded & stitched. Not sure how FusionPro handles printing to a Xerox Fiery or how its supposed to break up the document to output booklets folded & stitched.


When I send over 28 pages (2 booklets in this case) it folds and stitches both books together as one.


I've gotta be missing something here.

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