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returning 2 page pdf (front and back)

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I have ~50 two page pdf's, each is for basically a different state. I want it to return the front page of the pdf based off the drop down in marcom and then the back side of the pdf on page two. A current template we have returns the first page:


result = "";


if (Field("State") != "")


var Pic = new FusionProResource(Field("State"), "graphic", "true");

for (Pic.pagenumber = 1; Pic.pagenumber <= Pic.countPages; Pic.pagenumber++)

if (Pic.pagenumber == Pic.countPages)


result += Pic.content;




result += Pic.content+"<p>";




return result;


Now, how can I do it to return the 2nd page of the same pdf they select? :confused:

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The rule you have should work. You just need to create an Overflow page for the body page to flow into, as in this example:


I completely confused... I borrowed this code from a template we already have that has only one page variable, and the back page is static. The new template has 50 pdf's that are all 2 pages, so I want to pull the pdf and place page 1 on page one and page 2 on page 2. The way the template I borrowed from is set up, the frame is a graphic frame. The example you pointed me to is a text frame.


To make matters worse, I decided to take and create another rule to just create the back page from a separate pdf. When I did this and previewed it, it worked wonderfully. However, when I upload to Marcom and preview it there, there is no back page. So now I am really confused :D:( I'm attaching the pdf here for what worked in preview in acrobat, but not in marcom.... any further suggestions? :confused:

HR Medicare.pdf

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Using the pdf you supplied do the following and it should work on Marcom.


Change the back page to a regular page not overflow. (always 2 pages)


Add to javascript globals

function FileNameFromPath(fullPath)


return String(fullPath).replace(/^.*(\\|\/|\:)/, '');


Thanks! But, when I do this it just provides a blank page for the back side. How do I get it to pull page 2 of the pdf to put on the back? :confused:

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Sorry about that. I should have previewed my post. It didn't show everything I typed. You have to put in javascript globals and a new rule based on your naming convention. I'll attach a collect that should have everything you need to see how I got it to work.

You rock, thank you so much! :D :D:D

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