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FP rule not working in MarcomCentral


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Here is the issue guys...

I have a simple phone label rule in FP:

if (Field("Cell") == "")

return "";


return Field("CellLabel")+'<t>';}


The template's text frame has the following:



«City», «State» «Zip»







All the "hide" rules are similar to the one above having instead of Field("CellLabel") a "Direct" field for example.

All the rules work just fine when I preview the template using FP...but not in MarcomCentral...


Let me just explain how the fields are set-up in MC...

All the LABEL VDP fields are active, but hidden and ALWAYS have a value. For example the "CellLabel" field always has the value: "Cell:". In addition, format fields use the label fields to apply different font styles to the label fields.


Having said all of the above what I'm trying to achieve is simply what the FP rule is doing, which is: if the field "Cell" is empty display nothing and if it isn't empty, display cell label field + cell field.


Why is it all set-up this way? Simply because the phone labels are supposed to have the same font format as the actual number fields. The logic behind all this is fine, but the template is not working in MarcomCentral. It displays the cell label field(for example) even if the cell field is empty. It is doing so because a font style is applied to the cell label field...so the questions is: why is it doing so? Why do the label fields display(just because the font style is being applied to them) and why is the FP rule completely ignored in MC?


Can this functional difference between FP and MC be fixed?

See attached picture for visual representation of what the issue is.


Any suggestion for doing what I'm trying to achieve in a different way would also be much appreciated...




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If there are UI rules in MarcomCentral which are adding tagging to the field values in the generated tagged markup file, then technically the field values are not empty, because they contain tags, even if there's no text. So the conditional if (Field("Cell") == "") returns false, because, as far as JavaScript is concerned, the string value returned from the Field function, with the tags, is not equal to an empty string.


The "functional difference" is that, in FusionPro Creator (Desktop), empty field values, coming from your flat-file input data, really are empty, with no tags.


If, as you say, "the phone labels are supposed to have the same font format as the actual number fields," then I would think that you only need to apply the formatting to the label fields, and not apply any formatting or UI rules at all to the actual number fields. The formatting from the labels should automatically carry over to the subsequent text on the line. This would prevent the tagging from being added to those number fields, which would ensure that the actual value fields are truly empty, so that the rule will work the same way in MarcomCentral as it does in FusionPro Creator (Desktop).

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I see what you are saying about an empty tagged string not being truly empty.

I just tried having the formatting apply to labels only, and obviously the rule is now working(other labels are not showing)...but the formatting doesn't carry over to the string after the label(the phone number field) although they are on the same line... Any other ideas?

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I see what you are saying about an empty tagged string not being truly empty.

I just tried having the formatting apply to labels only, and obviously the rule is now working(other labels are not showing)...but the formatting doesn't carry over to the string after the label(the phone number field) although they are on the same line... Any other ideas?

I'm not sure why the formatting wouldn't carry over. You might need to make sure that the variables for the fields in the Variable Text Editor don't have separate formatting tags applied to them.


Also, instead of all those rules, you should be able to achieve the same effect by simply setting the labels directly in your text frame, in the Variable Text Editor, then selecting all the text, clicking the Paragraph button, checking "Suppress if" and selecting "Containing Empty Variables" in the drop-down. That might work better with the formatting.


Or, it could be that MarcomCentral is inserting <span> tags, which prevent the formatting from carrying over to subsequent text. If that's the case, then you may need to design the job differently, possibly adding some logic to remove the ending </span> tags.

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I'm not sure why the formatting wouldn't carry over. You might need to make sure that the variables for the fields in the Variable Text Editor don't have separate formatting tags applied to them.


They don't have any separate formatting tags. They ARE of a sample font, but, being text variables, they have to have a font. There is no option of choosing no font for a text in the Variable Text Editor. Therefore they always end up being a tagged string.


Also, instead of all those rules, you should be able to achieve the same effect by simply setting the labels directly in your text frame, in the Variable Text Editor, then selecting all the text, clicking the Paragraph button, checking "Suppress if" and selecting "Containing Empty Variables" in the drop-down. That might work better with the formatting.


I have tried that already. In fact, everything is set up to "Suppress if Containing Empty Variables" right now. If I set the labels as static text, the formatting of them stays the same(whatever it was set to in the Variable Text Editor and the formatting for the number fields becomes whatever it's selected in MCC). That's why I ended up setting them up as variables. Having them as variables doesn't change the fact that they always have to have a static value: "Cell:" for example. That makes the "Suppress if Containing Empty Variables" pointless in this case.



Or, it could be that MarcomCentral is inserting <span> tags, which prevent the formatting from carrying over to subsequent text. If that's the case, then you may need to design the job differently, possibly adding some logic to remove the ending </span> tags.


How would I code that? How do you grab a text variable and take the tags away? Would you just delete the last, let's say 7 for "</span>", chars?


Also, another idea that I had was to grab the font info from the number fields and then apply that same font to the label fields. I came up with a rule that looked similar to this:

if (Field("Cell") == "")

return "";



var val=Field("Cell");

var fontName=val.font;

var fontSize=val.pointSize;

var fontColor=val.Color;

return '<f name=fontName; size=fontSize; color=fontColor>Cell:</f><t>'+ Field("Cell");


The rule validates and works fine in FP, but when uploaded to MCC, it complains about the number field(Field("Cell")) having undefined font.

Wait a second...how about I have it the other way around...and have the formatting applied(in MCC) to label variables(which are never empty and have the font tags) and have the FP rule pull the lables font and apply it to the number fields...I can also set(in MCC) the drop-down font to always have the first value selected(hope you can follow my madness here!). Hmm...it's worth trying. I will try setting it up this way and let you know how it goes.

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For whatever reason MCC is not cooperating with me... the last idea I had(in my previous post) is not working. In theory, my rule looks at the label variable, grabs the font info, applies it to the number field...but MCC displays the font that was set in the Variable Text Editor.

The rule:

if (Field("Cell") == "")

return "";



var val=Field("CellLabel");

var fontName=val.font;

var fontSize=val.pointSize;

var fontColor=val.Color;


var num=Field("Cell");





return '<f name=fontName; size=fontSize; color=fontColor>Cell:</f><t>'+ num;


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They don't have any separate formatting tags. They ARE of a sample font, but, being text variables, they have to have a font. There is no option of choosing no font for a text in the Variable Text Editor. Therefore they always end up being a tagged string.

Right, but font tags are only output when fonts change. In the absence of a font tag, the same running font will continue.


I can make a rule like so in FusionPro, insert it at the beginning of a text frame, and it will affect all the text, up until the next font change that would have happened anyway:

return '<f name="Courier New">This is in Courier New, and so is the following: ';

I have tried that already. In fact, everything is set up to "Suppress if Containing Empty Variables" right now. If I set the labels as static text, the formatting of them stays the same(whatever it was set to in the Variable Text Editor and the formatting for the number fields becomes whatever it's selected in MCC). That's why I ended up setting them up as variables. Having them as variables doesn't change the fact that they always have to have a static value: "Cell:" for example. That makes the "Suppress if Containing Empty Variables" pointless in this case.

No, it's not pointless at all. This scenario, where you have static labels followed by optional dynamic field values, is exactly what "Suppress if Containing Empty Variables" was designed to handle. It's different than "Suppress if Empty."


Also, when you say, "the formatting for the number fields becomes whatever it's selected in MCC," do you mean that there's a UI rule or some other formatting that's always being applied to the number fields still? If so, that's always going to win out and override whatever formatting was applied to the labels.

How would I code that? How do you grab a text variable and take the tags away? Would you just delete the last, let's say 7 for "</span>", chars?

Possibly, but I don't know if that's what MarcomCentral is outputting. It could be an ending </f> tag, or something else entirely. We need to get someone who knows MarcomCentral in on this conversation, or, better yet, you should go through your CPM.


You could, of course, always dump out the exact tagging generated by MarcomCentral to your output, with a rule like so, with "Treat returned strings as tagged text" UNchecked:

return Field("CellLabel");

Also, another idea that I had was to grab the font info from the number fields and then apply that same font to the label fields. I came up with a rule that looked similar to this:

if (Field("Cell") == "")

return "";



var val=Field("Cell");

var fontName=val.font;

var fontSize=val.pointSize;

var fontColor=val.Color;

return '<f name=fontName; size=fontSize; color=fontColor>Cell:</f><t>'+ Field("Cell");


The rule validates and works fine in FP,

I don't see how that could possibly work, in either FusionPro Creator or MarcomCentral. What do you think that "val.font" is doing in that code? You can't just pull out the formatting tags from a field with properties like that. The Field function returns a string, not an object with properties. In order to determine what the tags in a tagged markup string represent, you would need a tag parser, like the one inside of FusionPro that's consuming all of this markup, but that parser is not exposed to JavaScript rules. So no, this won't work.

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I don't see how that could possibly work, in either FusionPro Creator or MarcomCentral. What do you think that "val.font" is doing in that code? You can't just pull out the formatting tags from a field with properties like that. The Field function returns a string, not an object with properties. In order to determine what the tags in a tagged markup string represent, you would need a tag parser, like the one inside of FusionPro that's consuming all of this markup, but that parser is not exposed to JavaScript rules. So no, this won't work.

:o FP doesn't magically turn strings into objects?! Bummer. ;)

Knowing that Field("") returns a tagged string is quite important... so after doing some research on the functions available in FP, here is my solution...


I have a TaggedToRaw rule(returns a string or nothing) that takes away string's tags(if any):

var num= Field("Cell");
var start=-2;
var end=-2;
var sub=0;
var stripped="";
var loopend=num.length;

for(i=0; i<loopend; i++)
   if (num.indexOf("<") > -1)

           if (start=="0") 
               return stripped;
       return stripped; 


return stripped;


Then another rule(returns the label) is used to check if the string is empty, and displays(or not) the label:

var lab=Field("CellLabel");

if (Rule("TaggedToRawCellRule") == "")
return "";
return lab;


Here is a sample line in the Variable Text Editor:«HideCellLabelRule» «Cell».


As you know the problem with the different functionality was that in MCC the number field was not "truly" empty. Having a rule to test for a truly empty string allows for both, the label variables and the number variables, to have the font formatting being applied to them in MCC without causing any issues with the rules...and voila! All working just fine.


Thanks so much for all your help Dan!

Just a quick question...Right now I have 4 different rules for 4 different labels and phone numbers(8 if you count them all). If I could have a rule with parameters, I would only need one rule for all 4 labels(total of 2 rules would replace the current 8!).Is there a way of having a rule with parameters?

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How about trying to combine the Cell number with the HideCellLabelRule.



if (Field("Cell") == "")

return "";


return Field("CellLabel")+'<t>' + Field("Cell");}


Then in your text editor you would only have one rule assigned to a line and you can check the box to suppress if empty. Make sure you are only selecting one line at a time when you check suppress if empty.




«City», «State» «Zip»






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Unfortunately, that will not work in this case(works perfectly in FP, but not in MarcomCentral -that's what my initial post was all about) because font formatting gets applied(the user makes a selection from a drop-down) to the Field("Cell") in MCC. When that happens the rule sees the field as not empty - once a font is selected, the field becomes a string with font tags which makes it not empty. That's why I created a rule to take away the tags and return the remaining string(empty or not)...the returned string is then compared exactly the same way you have it(except I add the '<t>'+Field in the Variable Text Editor instead of having it in the rule itself)...it all seems to work just fine.
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I have a TaggedToRaw rule(returns a string or nothing) that takes away string's tags(if any)... Then another rule(returns the label) is used to check if the string is empty, and displays(or not) the label

That's pretty clever. Actually, I just implemented basically the same function, RawTextFromTagged, for FusionPro 8.1. This leverages FusionPro's internal tagged markup parser, so it's more comprehensive that anything that can be implemented in JavaScript. It also converts entities such as & to their literal character equivalents, basically the reverse of what TaggedTextFromRaw does (which could also be an issue here, by the way, if the user enters an ampersand into the web form). This function was added specifically for using tagged markup input data with FP Expression images. But it's also useful here. At any rate, with 8.1, that functionality will be built in.

Just a quick question...Right now I have 4 different rules for 4 different labels and phone numbers(8 if you count them all). If I could have a rule with parameters, I would only need one rule for all 4 labels(total of 2 rules would replace the current 8!).Is there a way of having a rule with parameters?

No, but instead of having multiple rules, you can effectively set the values of multiple variables in OnRecordStart with the FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable function. This is called "variable injection." You can override existing field values this way, just like with rules named the same as fields.


Delete the "TaggedToRawCellRule" rule and do this in OnRecordStart instead:

function StripTags(text)
   var start=-2;
   var end=-2;
   var sub=0;
   var stripped="";
   var loopend=text.length;

   for(i=0; i<loopend; i++)
       if (text.indexOf("<") > -1)

               if (start=="0") 
                   return stripped;
           return stripped; 


   return stripped;

var phoneFields = ["TollFree", "Direct", "Cell", "Fax"];
for (var i in phoneFields)
   FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable(phoneFields[i], StripTags(Field(phoneFields[i])));

Or, in 8.1, simply this:

var phoneFields = ["TollFree", "Direct", "Cell", "Fax"];
for (var i in phoneFields)
   FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable(phoneFields[i], RawTextFromTagged(Field(phoneFields[i])));

Now, this variable injection only affects variables which are called out directly in text frames, and doesn't affect the values returned from the Field function in other rules. However, you don't even need those other rules at all now, because you can go back to using the "Suppress if Containing Empty Variables" setting in the Text Editor.


Having said all of that, I'm still not clear exactly why MarcomCentral is applying formatting to all of the fields in the job. I think you should be able to tell it that only the "label" fields need to have formatting applied, and that the "number" fields should be left as just plain text without any tags. But that's something to talk to your CPM about.

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That's pretty clever. Actually, I just implemented basically the same function, RawTextFromTagged, for FusionPro 8.1. This leverages FusionPro's internal tagged markup parser, so it's more comprehensive that anything that can be implemented in JavaScript. It also converts entities such as & to their literal character equivalents, basically the reverse of what TaggedTextFromRaw does (which could also be an issue here, by the way, if the user enters an ampersand into the web form). This function was added specifically for using tagged markup input data with FP Expression images. But it's also useful here. At any rate, with 8.1, that functionality will be built in.


I'm glad that RawTextFromTagged function(that includes special characters like &amp) will be available in FusionPro 8.1. When I did my little research the other day, I only found TaggedTextFromRaw and, as you know, I had to implement the reverse myself.


Having said all of that, I'm still not clear exactly why MarcomCentral is applying formatting to all of the fields in the job. I think you should be able to tell it that only the "label" fields need to have formatting applied, and that the "number" fields should be left as just plain text without any tags. But that's something to talk to your CPM about.


Let me explain exactly what MCC is doing... MarcomCentral is not applying formatting to all the fields. I have it set to apply the formatting to the label fields and the number fields. Why? It's because the user is supposed to have different font formatting available to select from. He/she inputs a phone number, selects font face & font color for the label and the number fields(the two(face&color) drop-downs are set to apply the formatting to all the label and all the number fields). The labels are generated automatically once phone numbers is typed in -that's what the "if phone number not empty, display label + number" rule is supposed to do. Why don't I apply the formatting drop-downs to the label fields only and have numbers as tag free fields? This works just fine in FP as the formatting from the label field gets applied to the whole line(labels and numbers that follow), but it doesn't work in MCC. In MCC the preview displays the selected formatting for labels, but the formatting is not carried over to the phone number that follows the label. It just keeps the formatting the was used in the VariableTextEditor for the number field. I am not sure why that's the case, but because of these differences in behavior between FP and MCC, the OnRecordStart functions don't work correctly either.

I used your code, and again, it works just fine in FP, but doesn't work in MCC. I even modified it a little to have it do exactly what I need it to do:

function StripTags(text)
   var start=-2;
   var end=-2;
   var sub=0;
   var stripped="";
   var loopend=text.length;

   for(i=0; i<loopend; i++)
       if (text.indexOf("<") > -1)

               if (start=="0") 
                   return stripped;
           return stripped; 


   return stripped;

function CheckIfEmpty(text,label)

       if (text=="")
       return "";
       return label;


var phoneFields = ["TollFree", "Direct", "Cell", "Fax"];
var labels=["TollFreeLabel", "DirectLabel", "CellLabel", "FaxLabel"];
var val="";

for (var i in labels)
   FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable(labels[i], val);


I will definitely be using the OnRecordStart and the functions available in the future(and variable injection - thanks for introducing the concept to me), but it looks like in this specific case the 8 rules that I created before are the one and only solution that works the same way in both FP and MCC.

Thanks again for all your help!

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