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How is it possible turn on and off IgnoreRecordRepeat in OnJobstart?


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How is it possible turn on and off IgnoreRecordRepeat in OnJobstart?

I want to be able to turn on and off the Ignore Record Repeat (and many other attributes of the JobOptions.) I have tried FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions.IgnoreRecordRepeat = false

and many other combinations and nothing has worked.

Any ideas?


(Eventually, I want to control CropMarksInBlack, IgnoreRecordRepeat, PageInfo and use a different imposition file.)



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You can simply set FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = 1 in OnRecordStart (or skip any code setting it to a different value) to disable record repeats.


As for other settings such as Crop Marks and Page Info, those can be accessed but not modified in JavaScript rules. To control those settings programmatically, you need to use FusionPro VDP Producer (Server), which allows you modify job (CFG file) settings before composition.

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