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QR Barecode Question


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I have a client who orders business cards online with us. They want to add a QR code to their cards. The problem is that they want the URL that the QR code generates to be unique for each person. That is, each person who orders business cards will already have a unique landing page setup for them and the QR code needs to encode that.


Most of the URL for the landing page will be the same from person to person, with just a small part being unique. I'm trying to program the static part of the URL into the JavaScript so the person ordering cards only has to enter their unique part of the URL. I've setup a test file and I'm able to get the JS to merger the static part of the URL with the dynamic part from my sample data file, but I'm also getting an error. I'm attaching a screen capture that shows the error message as well as my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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