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Can a FusionPro template determine the User that is logged in?


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I have 300 users on my site.

Each user has a unique pdf file (their resume)


If user 'asmith' logs into the site, selects the versioned item and clicks 'Generate Proof', I want her resume pdf file to be returned inside of a graphic box on this template.


Likewise, if user 'fgonzalez' logs in, I want HIS resume pdf to appear in the versioned template.


Hope this makes sense. The graphic file that gets returned to the template depends on the user who is logged in.


I was careful to name each PDF file to be the same as the user name. (example: asmith.pdf, fgonzalez.pdf).


I know that I can return a graphic based on a field, but can I return a graphic based on the user that is logged in?


Maybe instead of doing this, I should just use Image Profile Attributes...


If this sounds like the right way to accomplish my goal:

1. Can Image Profile Attributes be PDF files?


2. Is there a way to add a page to my FusionPro template if the PDF file (the resource being returned) is 2 pages (front and back) vs 1 page? (Some resumes are front only, while some are front and back)

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No FP cannot validate a User in MCC. So Yes, Image Profile Attributes is the only route:


1) I believe a PDF can be used (never tried it though). Just give it a try and see.

2) Overflow page/rule would be able to support the multi-page PDF issue.


Hope this helps

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