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FusionPro Quits When Loading Fonts


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We recently upgraded our computers and software, including Acrobat and FusionPro. I've opened a few existing templates to verify things are working, and they are. However, when I go to load fonts, FusionPro quits almost immediately. The window says, "Locating Macintosh Fonts" before quitting. I've checked the Advanced Settings menu and verified the Font Directory location is correct. I've also copied fonts to the folder, so I know it's not locked or anything. Before I contact our IT folks, does anybody know if this is a known issue, or perhaps any fixes?



• Mac OS 10.7.4

• Acrobat 10.0.0

• FusionPro VDP Creator 8.0.13



• iMac (Intel, Mid 2011)

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I just sent an email to Support, and if I hear anything that may help others, I'll post it here.


One thing that may be of use and which I didn't think to include is that we're using Suitcase Fusion 2 to manage fonts. Before we upgraded our software and hardware, I habitually loaded a "common fonts" folder every morning, which includes approximately 40 fonts. This never created problems before our upgrade, but since then that's when the problem started. If I only have 2 or 3 fonts active in Suitcase and then try to load fonts in FusionPro, it'll work just fine. I was gonna skip on contacting Support and just make a habit of loading ONLY the fonts I need, but I'm also having an issue with the 128 B Barcode Rule so I contacted Support about both.


Oh yeah, also, we removed Acrobat 10 completely and re-installed FusionPro under Acrobat 9. In addition to the font issues, I was having display issues where the FusionPro tools would be hidden, so we just got rid of Acrobat 10.

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I have the same issue with the tools being hidden in 10. You can use the Customize Quick Tools to add the icons so it works more like Acrobat 9. See the screenshot attached.


I tried doing that but it didn't seem to work (I'm on a Mac). I liked having the FusionPro tools on the left side of the window, to the left of the Thumbnails, Bookmarks, etc. icons. That is interesting though, that's the exact same view I was getting when the tools wouldn't display. I had to re-click the FusionPro tab to collapse it, quit Acrobat, then restart it.


Fortunately, I haven't had that issue with FusionPro since re-installing the latest FusionPro version back under Acrobat 9.

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