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Page is being cut off and not centered in template

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The two pages in your template are not the same size nor have common crop/trim/bleed, etc. You'd be better off placing the original PDF(s) in a program like InDesign and then re-exporting a new PDF to use as your base in FusionPro.
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You did not answer my problem the front page is working fine, it is the back page which is the problem. And the back page is not 4/C Black it is a screen of Black only doesnt matter anyhow, problem is the Impo using FP Imposer. The front has a bleed the backer doesnt. There is no other way to do it. The trim is the same for front and back, the crop is the same as front and back I have Prinergy media trim and Acrobat Pro I know how to set trim. why does it work when you do not use your FPImposer then?

Please answer the problem or have someone there that can, you have the files make it work. I have already put the backer in InDesign and exported it. What does your FP Imposer look at I have the crop box trim box art box media box all set to 8.5x11!!!!

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Please answer the problem or have someone there that can, you have the files make it work.

Really? Don't expect much help around here with that attitude. Lucky for you it's Lent and I feel like being charitable.


And the back page is not 4/C Black it is a screen of Black only doesnt matter anyhow

Sorry, but you're wrong:




There is no other way to do it. The trim is the same for front and back, the crop is the same as front and back I have Prinergy media trim and Acrobat Pro I know how to set trim.

I suggest you not play poker as you are a terrible liar. ;)


Assuming you're not just trolling for someone to do your work for you, take a look at what I did simply by creating a new document in InDesign prior to bringing the PDF into FP. Don't worry, I don't expect any royalties. :D

For Ricoh_r1.zip

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Gregster, if you'd like to continue this please do so with me directly, if you can gather the details please send them to support@pti.com.


Jeff Stehman

Technical Support | PTI Marketing Technologies | Printable Technologies, Inc.

jstehman@pti.com | http://www.pti.com

858.847.6622 direct | 800.220.1727 office

FusionPro Expression Image Personalization is Now Available

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So the CMYK Backer is the cause for the FP Imposer not to work correctly, is this your answer because if it is you guys are sorry. Your software has a bug and you cannot find a solution to the real problem!!

Actually, if you were to look at my signature line, you would see that I am just a user like you. I do not work for PTI.


Regardless, both FusionPro and FPImposer are only as good as the files they are given to work with. The imposition software assumes all pages are the same size and in your sample files this is not the case.


Good luck with your "Operation PTI" demonstration. :rolleyes:

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I agree with Eric. It seems like your files are the problem. After re-prepping your existing files (importing to InDesign, making the pages sizes consistent, and remaking your imposition file) the files exported with expected results for the back static page. My suggestion would simply be to start over. I could not pinpoint where exactly you went wrong, but I did notice that your FPI file defaults to open in a text editor rather than FPImposer. I don't know if that's because of differing versions of the software or possibly you have a corrupt install of the application. But you may want to try re-installing FP.


That being said, I hope you realize this is a forum for peers to help each other and Eric is among one of the most helpful members of the forum. Taking your frustrations out on people that are trying to help you doesn't exactly offer incentives for anyone to help you resolve your problems.

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Distiller isn't going to help this one. The problem is page 1 is a 12.437 x 14.9369 with a bleed box offset of 1.843 and page 2 is an 8.5x11 with no bleed definition. FusionPro Imposer is looking at page 1's offset and clipping the 1.843 off the side. InDesign fixed it because it redefined the media box and bleed box, making everything consistent. It's definitely an issue with fpi, however I would think the best practice would be to feed it consistent files.
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