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Allcaps not working for font KievitOT family


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In Indesign, all caps attribute applied to the font Kievit caps correctly. Exporting from Fusion Pro palette does not maintain this characteristic. No all caps rules etc. make this work correctly. If I export out of Indesign using Adobe instead of Fusion Pro, this works fine. Help? This is a show stopper.
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Hello Barb,

Unfortunately, there is no setting to make FusionPro exactly replicate text composition from Quark or InDesign. The thing you have to keep in

mind is that FusionPro composes, or flows, text differently than QuarkXPress and InDesign do. And QuarkXPress and InDesign compose

differently than each other. Neither Printable nor Quark nor Adobe have access to each others' text compositions algorithms to exactly replicate

any of the other companies' text composition engines. In addition, there isn't really one "right" way of composing text; in fact, there's

no universal standard or agreement on the "right" way to handle things like kerning, leading, word breaking, and countless other text

composition details.

So, if you have text that you're exporting from Quark or InDesign, and you make it variable, FusionPro will compose it based on a completely

different set of rules than the source design tool. This is why we provide Preview functionality, so that you can see how your text will

flow when it's composed by FusionPro. We do try to export as many properties of the text as we can so that we can get it as close as

possible to the original, but it's never going to completely match, and there are some advanced composition features in Quark and InDesign that

we simply don't support.

Having said that, you need to ensure the font is loaded in FusionPro using the Load Fonts utility. Also, it is difficult to assess what the problem

Could be with the Caps Rule.

Please forward a sample to fusionprosupport@pti.com for further analysis.

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