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FusionProResource pdfbbox = TrimBox


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Good evening,


After searching my FP documentation and searching around here a bit, I'm having trouble finding an answer to this...


I am bringing in a PDF resource as defined in my data, and making sort of a thumbnail on a sheet for it. The PDF has full 1/8" bleeds defined, and so of course it comes into my thumbnail graphic frame with that bleed included.


I see there's a resource for defining that the image is using the TrimBox settings, but I can't figure out the correct use and syntax to get it to work.


All FP building blocks gives me is: <resource>.pdfbbox


The code I'm using to bring that resource into my job looks like:

{return CreateResource("C:\\Output\\Elements\\" + (Field("OrderNumber") + ".pdf"))} (truncated to mask client names, etc...)


Can somebody help me figure out to apply this trim setting to this resource? Thanks!



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I need to learn better about using these variables. I think I have a hard time grasping what all can be put into a variable, and then used with ease later in the script.


Thank you very very much!!

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I've tried that very same setting for pdfbbox using the "CropBox", "BleedBox", and "TrimBox" values in three separate graphic rules...

var r = new FusionProResource("DOTS_9x6_ValCard_2.pdf", "graphic", true);
r.pdfbbox = "CropBox";
return r;

I made sure the boxes for each setting within the pdf resource file were different values. I also made sure the graphic box to display these images were set to fully center. I also outlined each graphic box to show the alignment and the starting placement location.


The only different is that the top box was set to "none" for sizing and the bottom box was set to "BestFit". I wanted to see if the images would be resized yet still keep the proper use of which "outline box" to use for the setting.


As you can see in the uploaded sample the settings were accepted for the different Crop/Bleed/Trim Box, but the alignment "always started at the bottom left corner". I've also included the resource file I used.


Any ideas as to why this would occur?


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I've tried that very same setting for pdfbbox using the "CropBox", "BleedBox", and "TrimBox" values in three separate graphic rules...

var r = new FusionProResource("DOTS_9x6_ValCard_2.pdf", "graphic", true);
r.pdfbbox = "CropBox";
return r;

I made sure the boxes for each setting within the pdf resource file were different values. I also made sure the graphic box to display these images were set to fully center. I also outlined each graphic box to show the alignment and the starting placement location.


The only different is that the top box was set to "none" for sizing and the bottom box was set to "BestFit". I wanted to see if the images would be resized yet still keep the proper use of which "outline box" to use for the setting.


As you can see in the uploaded sample the settings were accepted for the different Crop/Bleed/Trim Box, but the alignment "always started at the bottom left corner". I've also included the resource file I used.


Any ideas as to why this would occur?


This is a known issue, case FP-11682. It's fixed in FusionPro 8. It might work in 7.2 if you only use the graphic with a single bounding box in the job, instead of trying to use it with multiple settings in different frames.

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Hmm... It previews perfect, but when I compose, then it doesn't seem to honor the "TrimBox". I'm on Windows, FP v6, forgot to mention that before. I also made sure that my box was exactly 50% proportional in size to the proper page size.


I did some tests with "best fit", "fill", and other settings. Still not achieving the desired result. Hmmm.....

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I'm using this pdf resource (with 1/8" bleed) twice in the job with separate rules, I'm wondering if there's some conflict.


I use it once at 50% size, on a cover sheet, where I don't want the bleed involved. Then I use it on the next two pages at full size, where I do need the bleed. My file structure is:







right now CoverBack is blank, and ProductBack is the only thing following the rules I have written. ProductFront seems to now be clipping or scaling the image down some how. I wonder if this is a conflict because of what I'm doing with the thumbnail.


I added the pdfbbox line to my rules to create the product pages, just so I could specify the box I want used, in case it was tying it's parameters to the thumbnail box. No change. I am 98% of the way there... just can't figure out why it's previewing right and composing wrong :(

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ooh it is connected. I changed the parameter for my thumbnail from page 1 to page 2, and then on my real pages, page 1 is now perfect, and page 2 is scaled down wonky.


So it appears I cannot use a resource twice in a job, with the code as I have written it. I'm not sharing rules between them... hmmmm....

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Sorry for all the posts here... I'm just trying to work & think my way through this.


So I did several tests, and it's clear that once I've called the resource whichever page is first in my document (thumb or full size), then the next page that uses the resource uses whatever settings the first instance used.


So I can either get everything to use bleed, or to not use it. I can't seem to separate them. I'm not using similar variable names, or anything. I was hoping I could call the resource, apply parameter "A", and then call it again and apply parameter "B", but alas I cannot figure out. :(


Anybody have any thoughts, or should I work on a workaround to hide the bleed on my thumbnail images? I have a couple ideas, but they are less beautiful than when I'm trying to do.

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