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Graphic QR Code in OnRecordStart


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Is there any way to get this to work in OnRecordStart?


var DataToEncode = "My string";
var EncodingMode = "Byte";
var ErrorCorrectionMode = "Q";
var PreferredFormat = "0";
var ProcessTilde = false;

r = Resource(MakeQRBarcodeGraphic(DataToEncode, ProcessTilde, EncodingMode, ErrorCorrectionMode, PreferredFormat));



It returns the error "no resource named Resource("Generated QR Barcode").

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Is there any way to get this to work in OnRecordStart?

No, sorry, this won't work. You need to create a Graphic rule which returns the call to the MakeQRBarcodeGraphic function (without the extra call to the Resource function), and assign that rule to the graphic frame.

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