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Issue with entity from store front web form


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I am trying to figure out how to get a 'greater than' or 'less than' sign entered in a product web form to display properly on a piece. Here are the results of all of the methods I have tried; none work:


entering 3 > 2 in the web form:


placing the variable directly in the rich text editor using 'insert' : 3 2

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' UNchecked: 3 2 (two spaces between)

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' checked: 3 2

return from a rule using NormalizeEntities(); : 3 2


entering 5 < 4 in the web form:


placing the variable directly in the rich text editor using 'insert' : 5

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' UNchecked: 5 <>

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' checked: 5

return from a rule using NormalizeEntities(); : 5 <>


Just as a test/comparison I tried the same options but using a couple of other entities:


entering 3 & 2 in the web form:


placing the variable directly in the rich text editor using 'insert' : 3 & 2

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' UNchecked: 3 & 2

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' checked: 3 & 2

return from a rule using NormalizeEntities(); : 3 & 2


entering 3 ® 2 in the web form:


placing the variable directly in the rich text editor using 'insert' : 3 ® 2

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' UNchecked: 3 ® 2

returning the variable from a rule, 'return as tagged text' checked: 3 ® 2

return from a rule using NormalizeEntities(); : 3 ® 2


It seems like entities are all over the place when trying to bring them in from web forms, but the greater than and less than signs I can't get to work at all. I can't think of any other way to get and display the text, and none of those ways work. Any ideas?

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What web form exactly? Is this in MarcomCentral, or in some other web-to-print app? I ask because the web application may be doing some kind of processing on the form entry, which may be application-specific. Different apps may generate different kinds of input files for FusionPro as well.


But generally, in tagged markup, when you want to output special markup characters such as greater-than and less-than literally, you need to denote them with entities; specifically, the > and < entities. The full set of entities is listed in the Tags Reference Guide.

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Sorry, yes this is in MarcomCentral. And yes, I have worked with entities outside of the MarcomCentral fine (direct builds on desktop).


The problem I seem to be having is getting the greater than or less than entity from the web form; I don't know if it is being passed to the composition server correctly. I have tried NormalizeEntities() and also replace '>' with '>' but neither of those worked. I have also tried just returning the field value from within a rule with tagged text both checked and unchecked and neither way worked.


I don't know of any other way to take input from the webform and output it other than the methods above, none of which have worked.

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