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2D Static Barcodes


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Some time ago I received the following rules to create 2D barcodes in FusionPro Desktop 5.8 and 6.0.


2D Barcode for 6.0 Fusion Pro


barcodeData = "";

barcodeData = "0";

barcodeData += "0";

barcodeData += "04";

recNum = FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber;

barcodeData += FormatNumber("000000", recNum);

barcodeData += "01";

barcodeData += "000";

var DMbarcode = new DataMatrixBarcode;

DMbarcode.pointSize = 3;

DMbarcode.preferredFormat = 7;

return DMbarcode.Make(barcodeData);


2D Barcode for 5.8 Fusion Pro


barcodeData = "";

barcodeData = "0";

barcodeData += "0";

barcodeData += "02";

recNum = CurrentRecordNumber();

barcodeData += FormatNumber("000000", recNum);

barcodeData += "01";

barcodeData += "000";

var DMbarcode = new DataMatrixBarcode;

DMbarcode.pointSize = 3;

DMbarcode.preferredFormat = 7;

return DMbarcode.Make(barcodeData);



These barcodes have worked for us on all our past Variable mailing jobs. However, I am being asked to look into these rules further. We are now trying to use these rules to place 2D barcodes on static jobs and the barcodes did not work properly.


My understanding, at the time that the rules were provided to me, is that the 2D barcode did not require any information to be pulled from my mail list. My thought is that the barcodes above should work on both jobs where I have a mail list and jobs where I do not have a mail list. Can you advise if this is correct? If it is not correct can you please tell me how to create 2D barcodes that will work on jobs with no mailing lists?


Thank you for your time.

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The bar code examples that I posted work if we are using a mailing list with a sequence number. We are now getting jobs where we need to use a 2D bar code but we do not have a mailing list. We assumed that the rules above would work for a static 2D bar code but quickly found out that the rules pull a record number out of the mail list in order to tell the package number in the bar code. Our question is now how do we get rules for a 2D bar code that will work without a mailing list?
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The bar code examples that I posted work if we are using a mailing list with a sequence number. We are now getting jobs where we need to use a 2D bar code but we do not have a mailing list. We assumed that the rules above would work for a static 2D bar code but quickly found out that the rules pull a record number out of the mail list in order to tell the package number in the bar code. Our question is now how do we get rules for a 2D bar code that will work without a mailing list?

I'm not sure I understand. It's true that a 2D barcode doesn't require any information to be pulled from your mail list, because you can encode literally almost anything you want, but you do have to encode something. So, exactly what data are you trying to encode in the barcode? In other words, what do you expect the result to be when the barcode is scanned? If it's not a sequence number, then what? Whether you have a mailing list or not, that's the question you need to answer.

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