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Best Fill vs Proportional Fill


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Best Fit (not "Best Fill") always constrains the graphic within the bounds of the frame (so the Clip control has no effect). There may be empty space in the frame (which is why it's definitely not a "fill" effect).


Proportional Fill ensures that the frame is always entirely filled. Usually this is used with the Clip setting on, which effectively crops the graphic to the frame.


(There's also "Fit to Shortest Edge," which is similar to Proportional Fill, but always scales the graphic to the shortest edge of the frame, whereas Proportional Fill is more like "Fit to longest edge.")


Here's an example of Proportional Fill:



But the best way to see is just to try it. Set Proportional Fill and resize the frame. Change the aspect ratio of the frame so that's it's different than the image (if the image is landscape, make the frame portrait, or vice-versa) and you should see how it works.

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