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Modify definition of thin, medium and thick rule thicknesses


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Hello All. I'm defining a table via a tag file. When defining the cell rulings, I have the following options:


  • thin
  • medium
  • thick

Does anyone know how to change the actual definition of those line thicknesses? We need the medium to be just a bit thinner but not as thin as "thin".



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You can also specify "very thin" or "double" in FP Desktop. You can see the list of all available rulings in the <ruledefs> section of the DIF file.


If you're using FP Server, then you can use the DIF API to modify that list of rule definitions. But you're limited to that hard-coded list in the DIF file in FP Desktop.

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Thanks Dan. I did notice that those definitions were in the DIF file and have in the past adjusted those through the API. I was hoping that this was a setting that could be defined at the desk-top level.


I appreciate your quick response!

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