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No Bleed with PPML


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when i export a document from indesign cs3 i tell it to have 9pt bleed. So when i get to my FP file that i just made from cs3 it has the exact size peice with a red key line around it and then a blue key line that is supposde to show the bleed. It doesn't show any image betreen the red and blue linees though. when i go to compose it into a pdf file and tell it to bleed 9pt it blleeds just. but when i compose it out as a ppml with 9 pt bleed, the bleed shows up as white, no image. Other that making my peice oversized on purpose, how can i fix this problem? I believe i have the latest version of FP.


Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
All my pdf's have .125 bleed all sides and have not been cropped, that is the original size. When i am working on them in FP it doesn't show the actual image of bleed. It only shows a blue line where the bleed with extend to. So if i compose my file into a variable pdf with many pages, all the bleeds go out to where that blue line was no problem. But when i compose into a ppml there is absolutely no bleed, even if i add crops from the composition menu, it will add the crops but nothing bleeds past them. I tried it with and without and imposer template. I am very confused.
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Hi Jordan,


So the bleeds come out correctly when you compose PDF output but not when you compose PPML. Is that correct?


Assuming you are seeing the bleed issue after you RIP (and possibly print) the job, can you let us know which RIP you are using?


If we have your RIP here (we have a number of RIP simulators) we can take run some tests. If we can't re-create this, you can send some files to support and we can take a closer look.

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Thanks for getting back to me.

"So the bleeds come out correctly when you compose PDF output but not when you compose PPML. Is that correct?"

yes that is correct.


I am using a Fiery Command Workstation 4 version: CWS asz my rip. and printing on a canon 7000.

If that helps at all.

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We ran some tests with CWS and saw bleeds in the preview on the Fiery (we don't have the RIP hooked up to a press so we were not able to print it).


I've attached 2 files to this post for you to take a look at. One is a ZIP of 2 output files - a PDF and a PPML file. The second is a simple template we made to test this.


Can you please RIP the output files and see if the bleeds appear for each? The bleed is shown as blue boxes around the finish area (which is red). Please check the preview of the job after loading it in the CWS as well as the output off of your 7000.


If this is working for you, take a look at the attached simple template to see how the job is setup. There were a couple areas where bleed was specified:


1) In the InDesign document, bleeds of .125" were specified when the job was created. This setting can be modified in InDesign in the Document Setup area under the file menu (CS3).


2) When the template is exported with the FusionPro export plug-in to InDesign. Bleed was set to 9pt.


3) The FP Imposition template used in this job was set to have bleeds at 9pt.



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OK i tried your files and they bleed fine with ppml. BUT....I tried my files again and the did not bleed even with a fp imposer template. So i played with your indesign file. In indesign i stretched the reb box over the left and top edge of the piece. Trying to see if that red would bleed there along with the blue. After exporting it out the same way your original file was exported, then composing exactly the same. There was no red on the left or top of the composed piece. It looked exactly like your original ppml file you sent me. So, there is some reason why the blue bleeds for us but not the red. I think it lies with indesign. Maybe the arrangement of boxes or something. Here is the file with the red stretched.

Thanks for getting back to me on this issue.

I hope we can resolve this.

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Took a look. I see that you modified the frame on page 2 of the InDesign layout - expanding the red box out into the bleed area on the top and left by .0625". I also see that you left the red box on page 1 unchanged from it's original position.


I exported and composed the job with the imposition from the other job I sent and took a look at the output in PDF. I'm seeing the red box on page 2 (the back of the sheet - page 2 in my output) appear where I expect it to - part way into the bleed area.


Can you please double-check to see if the red box is bleeding on page 2 of PDF output? It's not on page 1 - just as expected since the box was not moved.


If it looks good in the PDF output (bleeding as expected), can you confirm what you are seeing in PPML?



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OK your are absolutely right about the red box on page two that was my mistake. I tried my file again and it just won't bleed. The background is a picture. I wonder if that is the problem. Here is the file and pic that goes with it. I attached the FP imposer file i am using too. Could you see if you can get that pic to bleed. I am rushed with this and i apologize for my mistake.


Thank you again for helping me on this.

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  • 3 months later...



I too am having this problem but I am using the Xerox Freeflow RIP. I changed my imposition settings per the files you attached but that did not solve the issue. Any other ideas would be appreciated.



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I had a problem with PAGE 2 of my InDesign doc. export(FP export plug-in) not bleeding when previewing in Acrobat. Just white space where the bleed should've been.

I decided to build the variable with current .PDF file, save, go back to InDesign and export a new .PDF file from Adobe PDF Presets.

I then did the import of the database and all the variable work that I did on the non-bleeding one.

This was the first time this has happen to me when exporting directly from InDesign to FP from the plug-in.

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  • 1 year later...


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