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Upload Photo defaulting to 1 x 1 minimum image size


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I'm sure it has something to do with the rule I have associated with the graphic.


The FusionPro composes correctly, but when uploaded to MCC and previewed, one graphic that should upload a min size of 3.66 x 2.09 at 100 dpi and the other graphic that should upload a min size of 4.74 x 3.16 at 100dpi BOTH display in preview as requiring a min size of 1 x 1 at 100 dpi.


Has anyone else expereinced this "default" 1" x 1" issue?


The rule is posted below. Basically, if a user does not upload a photo, a graphic will fill the space.


switch (Field("FamilyFunPhoto"))


case "": return Resource("FamilyCartoon.jpg");

case Field("FamilyFunPhoto"): return Resource(Field("FamilyFunPhoto"));

default: return Resource("FamilyCartoon.jpg");


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Well, I thought perhaps the switch rule might not be agreeable, so I used CreateResource instead, but I still got the 1 x 1 minimum size for the uploads.


var kidsPic = CreateResource(Field("KidsPhoto"));

if (kidsPic.exists)


return kidsPic;




return Resource("KidsCartoon.png");


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Basically the issue occurred because the fields were referenced in a rule and weren’t directly associated to the frame. Since the number of copyholes and the dimensions can vary depending on how many images you want to display, when you upload image it defaults to 1" x 1". Essentially the system is saying it doesn't know how big the copyhole is so it just uses 1" x 1" as a default value since it has to display something.

I ended up using conditional visibility when setting up the form in the MC Manager, instead of using rules in FusionPro. That took care of it.

I hope this is helpful to you.

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I need to give credit where it is due....

Jeff Stehman helped me with this. It was Jeff that said, "Basically the issue occurred because the fields were referenced in a rule and weren’t directly associated to the frame. Since the number of copyholes and the dimensions can vary depending on how many images you want to display, when you upload image it defaults to 1" x 1". Essentially the system is saying it doesn't know how big the copyhole is so it just uses 1" x 1" as a default value since it has to display something."

So, thanks Jeff, as always :)

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I would do this: In FusionPro, assign the same graphic field to each graphic frame being used in the document. Then there is only one graphic field in the form to upload to, and all graphic frames assigned with that graphic field will be populated with the single uploaded image.


Does this help?

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This has partly solved the problem.

I need to achieve the following in Marcom:


A customer uploads a (whatever size) company logo. The only check that needs to be done is a 300 dpi check.

So cropping the image (a logo) is NOT the solution.


Any other suggestions to check a file?

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