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column length based on text length


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Is there a way to create a table rule that sets the columns based on the text length put in a field. I am pretty new to this but here is the code I am working with.

var textFirstColumn= Field("2 Column Address 1") .content

var textSecondColumn=Field("2 Column Address2") .content

var textThirdColumn=Field("4 c Address") .content

var textFourthColumn=Field("4c Address 2") .content

var targetFrameName = "Address";

var maxColumnWidthInches = 4.5;

var GutterWidthInches = 0.2;

if (FusionPro.inValidation)

textFirstColumn = "This only works in composition.";

var tm = new FusionProTextMeasure;





if (tm.messages)

ReportError("Text Measurement error: " + tm.messages);

var FrameWidth = FindTextFrame(targetFrameName).GetSettableTextWidth();


var FirstColumnWidth = Math.min(tm.textWidth, maxColumnWidthInches * 2700);

var SecondColumnWidth = Math.min(tm.textWidth, maxColumnWidthInches * 2700);

var ThirdColumnWidth = Math.min(tm.textWidth, maxColumnWidthInches * 2700);

var FourthColumnWidth = Math.min(tm.textWidth, maxColumnWidthInches * 2700);


var GutterWidth = GutterWidthInches * 45000;





var myTable = new FPTable;

myTable.AddColumns(FirstColumnWidth, GutterWidth, SecondColumnWidth, ThirdColumnWidth, FourthColumnWidth,FirstColumnWidth-SecondColumnWidth-ThirdColumnWidth-FourthColumnWidth);


//table.Rows[0].Cells[0].SetBorders("Thin", "Black", "Top", "Bottom", "Left", "Right");

var CellMargins = new FPTableMargins;

CellMargins.Top = 0;

CellMargins.Bottom = 0;

CellMargins.Left = 0;

CellMargins.Right = 0;


myTable.Rows[0].SetContents(Field("2 Column Address 1"), Field("2 Column Address2"), "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn");

myTable.Rows[1].SetContents("textFirstColumn", "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn");

myTable.Rows[2].SetContents("textFirstColumn", "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn");

myTable.Rows[3].SetContents("textFirstColumn", "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn", "textSecondColumn");

return myTable.MakeTags();

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