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Everything posted by oleooo

  1. Trying to split the phone number and email in a rule. I have created a if else statement so that if the email is missing the phone will center and if the phone is missing the email centers. I just can not get the last part to work. where generally in most programs if you hit tab shift it will equally split them. Is there a way to code this with a tag. here is the code I put together. if (Field("Phone") < 1) { return '<center>'+Field("Email")+'</center>'; } else if (Field("Email") < 1 ) { return'<center>'+ Rule("phone format Rule1")+'</center>'; } else { return '<p br=false quad=L>'+Field("Phone")+'<p br=false quad=R>'+Field("Email"); } this is an example 208-371-9041 Ole@DirectOrthocare.com
  2. Dan, Thanks For checking this out for me. I was at my wits end trying to figure out how to modify the template. I will see if I can modify the font with permission of course. Your expert knowledge is always impressive. Thanks again Ole
  3. I am getting the first page output from Fusion pro. I have attached the collected template. Thanks Ole MJA_BC_template-for-vendor_Mar-05-2015_12-38-30.zip
  4. I am trying to replace an a with the alternative a. in the attachment i want pdf 1 to be pdf 2. I just am missing the proper code. Thanks Ole Untitled-1.pdf
  5. How can I replace an a character with a rounded a character. I attempted to use Indesigns character styles but it did not work. the code I tried was <p style="name'>+(Field("name")); Any help would be helpful. Thnaks Ole
  6. I and trying to create a Rule that if text is present after the return it places a bullet point and if it is just a return then it is left blank but returned. if (Field("Bioandareaofinterest").indexOf("/<p>g/ textLines") > -1); return Field("Bioandareaofinterest").replace(/<p>/g, "<br>&bull< >"); if (Field("Bioandareaofinterest").indexOf("/<p>g/") > -1); return Field("Bioandareaofinterest").replace(/<p>/g);
  7. Thanks, That works perfect. I guess I need to keep up on things. Thanks again. Ole
  8. This May sound Like a stupid question, but is there any way to set up an additional button on a Version item so that you can download a word jpg or PNG plus the pdf? Thanks Ole
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