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Compose in reverse


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when composing a job is there a way to get FusionPro to compose the file in reverse order.


Example: I have 50 records and I want record 50 to be the first record composed so 50, 49, 48, so on and record 01 is the end of the file?

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What is the goal you are hoping to achieve?

Is it just a sequence number that you are trying to get to go from highest to lowest? Or do you actually need to process record 50 first and work your way backwards to record 1?

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That was just an example it's not just a sequence job.


The client data is sorted and sequenced for the postal station and our bindery department would like to start with the last sorted record first.


Can FusionPro start composing from the last record first?

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No, FusionPro composes the records in the same order in which they appear in the input file.


However, you can use Imposition to change the order in which the composed records appear on the output sheets. In FP Imposer, you can set up Simplex (one-up) imposition with an infinite stack, and then click Advanced and set the vertical ordering to "bottom to top."


Or, you can open up the data file in something like Excel and rearrange the lines manually.

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However, you can use Imposition to change the order in which the composed records appear on the output sheets. In FP Imposer, you can set up Simplex (one-up) imposition with an infinite stack, and then click Advanced and set the vertical ordering to "bottom to top."

That's something we may look into for projects with similar requirements. Of course, when we are faced with this necessity currently, we typically just have the press print in reverse order. Is that an option on the press you are using?

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Our Press can print it in reverse order but it has to read in all the records first and that takes up printing time, we are talking about jobs with 10,000 to 250,000 records and that is a lot of downtime.


Moving forward I will have to get the data sorted in reverse. :(

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Not sure which digital press you are using, but most have the option of not only forward or reverse, but the option of face up or face down. If you leave it set to print starting at record 1 but change the output orientation to face down. You will just need to flip the individual stacks off the press and you will have your reverse order and maintain your production speed.

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