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fusion pro direct graphics


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i created three graphic insert picture rules that insert 3 pdf images. It works fine when i compose it regularly but when i try to compose it in Fusion Pro Direct, none of the images show up? Am I doing something wrong? Why do the images show up with the regular compose and not on the fusion pro direct compose?
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How are you referencing the graphics in your rules? If you're using the "Insert Picture Rule" template rule, it has a place to specify a search path for the graphic files. If this is a local path on your FP Desktop machine, then the composition running on the FP Direct machine has no way of seeing that path. (There's probably an error message to this effect in the composition log file.) You can try a UNC path instead, as long as the account under which FP Direct is running has permissions to access that location.


But generally, if you have a job which is intended for remote composition (with FP Direct, FP Server, MarcomCentral, or any other distributed system), then instead of referencing resources by file name only, you should add named Graphic Resources to your job, and use the Resource function in your rules instead of CreateResource to reference them in your rules. You'll also need to check the "Upload graphic files to FusionPro Direct" box on the Composition Settings dialog.

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