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External Data files record count


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I am using recordWalker to display data from an external data file. How can I display the number of records returned? I able to count all of the records in the file. I need to count just the records where customerID is equal to customer ID in the External Data files.




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I an trying what was suggested, but only getting a return value of 1.


Here is the code.


var ProdCount = "";
var numRecsExtDF = XDF5.recordCount;
for (recordWalker=1; recordWalker <= numRecsExtDF; recordWalker++)
    if (XDF5.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 1) == Field("licenseid"))
       ProdCount += recordWalker + ',' 
myCount +=''
var myarray = [ProdCount];
return (myarray.length);


If I return ProdCount and use that value as the array it works, but if I use the variable it counts it all as 1.




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You have it right here:

var numRecsExtDF = XDF5.recordCount;

You don't need to do any other calculations. Just return XDF5.recordCount (or numRecsExtDF).


This simply creates an array with one item:

var myarray = [ProdCount];

Which is why myarray.length is, of course, 1.

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