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Replace background PDF

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I'm new to FusionPro Desktop. When I open a PDF in Acrobat and create all my frames, rules etc, then the client wants to change the source PDF, I can't work out how to bring in the new version of the PDF background but keep all my work in FusionPro. I can't find this mentioned in the manual. Can someone tell me how to do this please?




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Open the new background PDF in Acrobat, and from the menu, select FusionPro -> Data Definition -> Wizard (or click the "big orange F" button on the toolbar), select "Import a data source from another document," and click Next. Browse to the Data Definition file from your original PDF template (if it's not there, go back to the original template and export it with the Export menu or by running a composition). Finish the Wizard, then from the menu again, select FusionPro -> Advanced -> Import, and browse to the original PDF template.
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If you are designating your variable frames in InDesign first, and then using the FP Export to PDF option, then re-exporting over the existing PDF will do what you want (replacing static content).


However, if you are starting from a PDF and manually drawing all your frames, then I'm not sure how to accomplish that. Some people start with a blank PDF and place the source PDF as a graphic, so if the source PDF changes they just update the graphic.


edit - Looks like Dan Korn was typing at the same time!

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