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Variable Image with Depth Perception

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I have a huge job that includes an image of someone reading an open newspaper. The client wants an image added to the front of the newspaper based on the data supplied. Each person gets his own photo on the front of the newspaper. No problem if it was just a flat image of a newspaper. For this particular job the image will need to be placed on the newspaper rotated and skewed with depth to look realistic.


Is there any way to do this with Fusion Pro Desktop or with Fusion Pro Expression? I know expression can put text into an image but can it put an image into a fame with the proper angle and depth perception?


Thank you for your reply.


Bob M.

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This is definitely a job for FP Expression. You can drag the corners of the personalization to skew it and get a 3-D effect. If you use the "Insert x-points" and "Insert y-points" options, you can get a Bezier curve effect which can make the text look like it's wrapping around something. Check out some of the examples here:


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I know that Expression can put text into the photos as in all the examples on the site you reference. What I need is to put an IMAGE or a photo of someone onto the newspaper cover and have it look realistic.
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I know that Expression can put text into the photos as in all the examples on the site you reference. What I need is to put an IMAGE or a photo of someone onto the newspaper cover and have it look realistic.

This is called a texture personalization, which you might think of as a "picture in picture" frame. It's kind of like a variable graphic frame in FusionPro Desktop, which merges in a picture. The same kinds of skewing and other transformations can be applied to a texture personalization as to other text-based personalizations. So yes, you can definitely achieve what you're talking about with FP Expression, although it might a bit of a process to get it to look exactly right.

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