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Rule to Copy


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My javascripting is extremely limited so any step by step instruction is greatly appreciated.


My question is, I need a rule that copies data from two or maybe three fields into one.


Here's an example of the field makeup...


- Field #1 = 24#


- Field #2 = White Wove


- Field #3 = 1 Color (2-Sides)


- I want these three fields copied to a Fourth Field that will say. "24# White Wove 1 Color (2-Sides)"


If this is possible how do I place that into the Rule Editor in Fusion Pro?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Make a JavaScript rule with this syntax:

// Change field names to match your data:
return Field("Field #1") + " " + Field("Field #2") + " " + Field("Field #3");

Then whatever name you give to that rule (for example, "Field #4", but you can name it whatever you like) will show in the Variables list in the Text Editor, where you can insert it into a text frame.

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