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Variable data boxes are blank in jlyt files


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I am new to using Fusion Pro and am having a problem with my composed jlyt files. The variable data boxes are blank except for the barcode box. The imposition is also coming out slightly corrupted. When composing pdf files, everything is fine, the only problem with the pdf files is the rip time on the HP takes a long time.

I have Uninstalled and reinstalled Fusion pro, still same problem.

Anyone have any ideas or have had the same issues.

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How are you creating your templates (i.e. via InDesign plugin, static PDF brought into FusionPro)? Which fonts are you using and how are they loaded? I have not had the problems you described, and we use JLYT every day. Perhaps you could load some sample files to the forum?
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The JLYT output format is postscript based. Try flattening all the artwork in the design application before creating the PDF. There may be some elements That are not being translated correctly in the postscript stream which could be contributing to this issue. This is a known limitation of this format as it does Not read transparencies, masking, and other graphic effects if not flattened.

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I'm creating the imposition templates using the FPImposer with the pdf created straight out of Indesign CS5, nonflat. Unfortunately, flattening this particular file has some undesired effects. I did however try sending the file flattened and am still having the same issue's. As far as the fonts go, I noticed that they were loaded into two separate locations, I don't know if this has any bearing on the issues that I am facing, but any recommendations would be helpful at this point.
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Flattening is definitely a requirement for us when using the JLYT format. We have found it works better to export a flattened PDF from InDesign (not using the FP plugin) and then adding the variables manually in Acrobat. That is the only way we have been able to guarantee the output would match what we intended/expected.


In order to better understand your specific problem, I would need to see a sample of the file you are working on with some generic data for testing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry it took so long guys but here is the latest that I have figured out after talking to the non-helpful Fusion Pro staff. First I create a new file in Indesign CS5 and leaving the file blank and create a blank pdf. I then open the file in Acrobat 9 Pro......remember, this is a blank pdf. Using Fusion Pro, I import my csv file and create my variable data text box in this blank pdf. I then compose the file to output a JLYT file with no imposition, just single files. The file is then sent to our HP5000 and viewed using the job editor. What I have discovered is that the variable data text box is being created in layers, meaning, if the variable data has seven lines of type, I end up with seven layers of text windows. As layers are deleted the next line of type is exposed and so on. Has anyone heard of this or experienced anything of this nature or do you think it might be a bug in the software? Thanks again.



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