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Complex Salutation Line


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Can anyone show me how to write rule/s to accomplish the following?


1. Dear <_________>:


If "salutation" is blank, return "firstname"

else return "salutation" + space + "lastname"

. . .

If both "salutation" and "firstname" are blank,

return the text "Colleague"



2. For: <_____>:


If "company" is blank, return "salutation" + space + "firstname" + space + "middle initial" + space + "lastname" + space + "title"

else return "company"

(only put spaces in between fields if they contain data...)




thanks for your time! :)



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Dont forget to check the box in the Rule editor for "Treat Return Strings As Tagged Text"



if(Field("salutation") =="")

return Field("firstname")


return Field("salutation" )+"" + Field("lastname")


If (Field( "salutation" )+ Field("firstname" )== ""),

return "Colleague";





If(Field( "company" )== "")

return Field("salutation") + "" + Field("firstname") + "" + Field("middle initial" )+ ""+ Field("lastname") + "" + Field("title")

else return Field("company")

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Try this for 1...


if ((Field("salutation") == "") && (Field("firstname") == "")) {

...return "Colleague";


else if ((Field("salutation") == "") && (Field("firstname") != "")) {

...return Field("firstname");


else {

...return Field("salutation" )+ "." + Field("lastname");



The only thing that you would need to worry about was if the lastname field was left empty with the salutation field filled in.




For the second one I would build up the salutation line piece by piece when "company" was blank. Like this...


if (Field("company") != "") {

...return Field("company");


else {

...var salOut = "";

...if (Field("salutation") != "")

......salOut += Field("salutation");

...if (Field("firstname") != "")

......salOut += "." + Field("firstname");

...if (Field("middle initial") != "")

......salOut += "." + Field("middle initial");

...if (Field("lastname") != "")

......salOut += "." + Field("lastname");

...if (Field("title") != "")

......salOut += "." + Field("title");

...return Trim(salOut);




Good Luck ;)

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