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Composition Settings dialog has truncated tab titles

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Good afternoon,

I just got a pretty major hardware upgrade, from a 2014 mac running High Sierra, to a brand new mac running Sonoma. It also comes with all new software, including new versions of Acrobat and FusionPro.  

The issue that I'm having is that the Composition Settings dialog box has truncated tab headings.  This window is resizable (it wasn't in the old versions) but it doesn't persist.  Each time I click "compose" I get the truncated window.  I've checked with my co-worker who has similar hardware and software, and he's got the same thing going on.  Is there a way to correct this?






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Yes, it seems that you had previously been using a pretty old version of FusionPro, before version 11.  There was a major redesign with FP 11, and many dialogs are now resizable which previously were not.

I understand the question, but this dialog was intentionally not included in the set that have persistent location and size with that redesign. You may notice that many of the dialogs in the Data Source Wizard are also resizable but not persistent.

I would quibble just a bit with your description.  The dialog itself is not truncated, though the text in the tabs is.  All of the controls are fully shown and accessible.

The initial size of a "property sheet" dialog such as this is determined by the minimum size necessary to show all the controls on all of its pages (tabs).  Whether or how the tabs themselves, in the tab control, are resized is platform-dependent.  On Windows, tabs will resize to fit their text content, and will stack up into multiple rows as needed.  On Mac, the sizes of the tabs are preserved, and shrunk as needed to fit the window in a single row, truncating the text with ellipses (...), as you see.

Also, keep in mind that this is also dependent on the selected UI language (everything fits just fine in, say, Chinese, where each label is just a couple of kanji such as 編輯).  And it's also dependent on user-configurable system settings such as Text Size and Font.  So it's hard to know exactly what initial size to set to ensure that all the labels are shown without truncation.

I guess I also am just used to it, and I know that "Impo..." is Imposition, etc.  I also can't recall anyone else bringing this up as an issue, though it's a valid complaint.

All that said, I do see how this can be perceived as a problem.  We can look into persisting the size of the dialog, as we do with many others.

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If there were a preference file or a .plist or config file that defined the initial size of that dialog, and I could just make it a little wider, that would be awesome.  I don't necessarily need to alter the behavior of the window, just its default size.

FWIW, changing the font or its size at the OS level, at least on a Mac, has no effect on the text size in dialog boxes and windows in non-OEM apps.  

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