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Barcode128 - strange validation


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I am creating a barcode (code128) for tickets in Fusion Pro.

I have used the "Barcode Rule 128" in the Rule Editor with two variables:


first variable is just a serial number and the second variable is a mix of letters (capitals) and numbers. My first barcode is:

var1: 326000001



When I press the "Validate" button in the editor I get the following result:

<span><f name="IDAutomationC128M">Ã3«:¬¬!»Z6VO7WJ1HU8CD1OFZNH06SRgŒ</span>


What puzzles me is that I can identify there "var2" but "var1" seems to be corrupted. Am I wrong here? I have no idea whats going on...


Thanks in advance!


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I wouldn't assume that the barcode data is corrupted just because it's not passed through verbatim in plain text. The whole idea is that it's encoded in a particular way to be printed in the barcode font. So if you print and scan it, does it return the right data? That's really the only test.
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