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Adding a superscript ®


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Hi, i have a web template that people use for ordering business cards, and one department has a number of people who have LEED certification. They would like to include this title after their name on the "Name" field and it has to have the little superscript ®. The problem is that there does not seem to be any keyboard combination or XML code that can be entered that will produce the symbol in the reduced superscript format. I know that using Alt plus 0174 will create the symbol, but not superscript. So I am wondering if there is a way to create a global javascript rule that will replace "LEED" whenever it is entered by a user in the "Name" field, to be "LEED<superscript>®</superscript>" or whatever is necessary to get the superscript ®. And if so what would the code look like?



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Ok thanks for the response, this does work if I create a new rule and apply it to the variable for Name in the Variable Text Editor, but what I was hoping for, was a way to add a Global JS rule that would apply whenever a user types "LEED" anywhere in the form, without having to apply it as an individual rule via inserting it into a specific variable in the Variable Text Editor. Maybe this isn't possible, and if not how would I add this code


return ReplaceSubstring(NormalizeEntities(Field("Name")), "LEED", "LEED<superscript>®</superscript>");


to a Rule that is already being applied to the "Name" field/variable to set the color of the type, it looks like this:


if (Field("Color").indexOf(String("Blue")) > -1)


return "<span>" + '<color name="PANTONE 2905 C">' + Field("Name") + "</span>";


if (Field("Color").indexOf(String("Brown")) > -1)


return "<span>" + '<color name="PANTONE 4625 C">' + Field("Name") + "</span>";


if (Field("Color").indexOf(String("Green")) > -1)


return "<span>" + '<color name="PANTONE 390 C">' + Field("Name") + "</span>";


return "";


how then would I add this after that? Becuase right now if I insert this new rule, to create the ® if the user types LEED, over the "Name" variable. It negates the rule I have already inserted over the "Name" variable to set the color of the text according to a dropdown list the customer can choose from.



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Let's say that the rule which adds the color tags is named "ColorRule". All you have to do is call that rule from the other one, like so:

return ReplaceSubstring(Rule("ColorRule"), "LEED", "LEED<superscript>®</superscript>");

Or, you could refactor the first rule, something like:

var name = ReplaceSubstring(NormalizeEntities(Field("Name")), "LEED", "LEED<superscript>®</superscript>");

if (Field("Color").indexOf(String("Blue")) > -1)
  return "<span>" + '<color name="PANTONE 2905 C">' + name + "</span>";
// etc...



Changing the contents of all the fields is a bit trickier. In FusionPro 7.1, you could do some tricks in OnRecordStart such as:

for (var f in FusionPro.Fields)
 var f1 = ReplaceSubstring(TaggedDataField(f), "LEED", "LEED<superscript>®</superscript>");
 FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable(f, f1, true);

But other rules wouldn't pick up the modified values, only instances of those field names as variables in text frames.


You could do something similar which I think would work in 5.1, by setting up your own object to hold the updated field values in OnRecordStart, like so:

var ModFields = new Object;
for (var f in FusionPro.Fields)
 var f1 = ReplaceSubstring(TaggedDataField(f), "LEED", "LEED<superscript>®</superscript>");
 ModFields[f] = f1;

And then you would have to create a set of rules, one rule for each field, with the same name as the field, like so:

// Rule "Name"
return ModFields["Name"];

And you would have to change all other instances of "Field" in all your other rules to "Rule".

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