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Graphic Orientation Issue


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Has anyone experienced trouble with PDF's not orienting correctly when imported in? We have several PDF's that are to be imported depending on data and it seems that the customers original file output was oriented vertically and they then rotated them within Acrobat to be horizontal before sending them to us. It appears that fusion remembers the original orienatation?? So do I need to put these PDF's into another doc and re-output with the correct orientation to work? Or am i missing a setting in Fusion?? Any insight would be great.



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As far as I know... Rotation changes inside of Acrobat never stick. Fusion will even give me a warning of this if I try and rotate a page.


Is this something that can't be fixed by rotating your graphic frame?


If not...


My suggestion is to do what you offered as a solution. If you have many PDF's/pages I would use an import script into inDesign and re-export a new set of pdfs. (this can get hairy if you have a bunch, sometimes automation scripts can help along with cool batch software like Name Mangler).

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Has anyone experienced trouble with PDF's not orienting correctly when imported in? We have several PDF's that are to be imported depending on data and it seems that the customers original file output was oriented vertically and they then rotated them within Acrobat to be horizontal before sending them to us. It appears that fusion remembers the original orienatation?? So do I need to put these PDF's into another doc and re-output with the correct orientation to work? Or am i missing a setting in Fusion?? Any insight would be great.

A bit more to go on would be great. It could be one of several issues, which may or may not be related to FusionPro itself, depending on the PDF file. Can you provide an example of the PDF resource giving you trouble, and a sample job which demonstrates the problem?


You can also try the example here and see if that helps you out at all:


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Hi Dan, Ok what I have is PDF's of Fronts of newsletters that are switched depending on the data. What happens is even though the pdf's preview in Acrobat as landscape when they are imported as resources on composition they rotate vertical? So I have to place them into a document and re-output them, then they import as landscape. does that make sense? I am attaching a file for your review.

Retail News Mailer.zip

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